First Corinthians 8  - Take a Survey

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1 Corinthians 8

3 great principles

1   What is OK for one Christian may be inappropriate for another Christian

  • It's possible some are strong enough to resist a temptation, but others are not
  • Something that may be no temptation at all to one person, may be a strong temptation to another

Principle - In considering whether or not to do anything, we must think about not only its effect on us but also its effect on others as well

2   Nothing is to be judged solely from the point of view of knowledge; but everything must be judged from the point of view of love

  • Some Corinthians knew that an idol was nothing, but their knowledge had gone way beyond that to being arrogant, feeling intellectually superior and looking down on those who did not share their knowledge or conviction
  • Some were unsympathetic to those who did not share their knowledge, regarding them as ignorant. True knowledge which gives birth to such attitudes is not true knowledge at all.

Principle - Our conduct is not to be guided by the thought of our superior knowledge, but by sympathetic and considerate love for our fellow Christian. For the sake of their spiritual well being we must refrain from doing something that in itself is harmless but which actions/words may harm another

3   No Christian has the right to claim a right, to indulge in a pleasure, to demand liberty which may be the downfall of another.

  • It may be you have the strength of mind and will to keep what is morally neutral in its proper place. It may be a course of action that is safe enough for you, if you only have yourself to think about, BUT you must consider those Christians who are weaker than you.

Principle - Something that is morally neutral which could be the ruination of another Christian is not something you are free to do regardless, it is a sin against Christ.

Dr Keith Graham